US Searches for Moving to Australia Rose 1,900% After Trump Presidency

by | Nov 23, 2016

USA to Australia
3 min read

USA to Australia - US searches for moving to australia rose after trump presidency
From the 8th of November to the 9th of November, searches by those in the U.S. for “how to move to Australia” rose 1,900%.
US searches for how to move to australia rose 1,900 per cent
Source: Google Trends
As Canada’s immigration website was down, U.S. citizens looking for a way out were checking out Australia’s. On the 9th of November, as Trump announced his shocking win to become 45th President of the United States of America, Americans took to their computers to find out how to immigrate to Australia.
canada immigration website down
Unsurprisingly, the most searches came out of Colorado and Oregon where Clinton was victorious. The top 10 number of searches for “how to move to Australia” came from these states:

  1. Colorado
  2. Oregon
  3. Arizona
  4. Washington
  5. Nevada
  6. Missouri
  7. Pennsylvania
  8. California
  9. Virginia
  10. Florida

US state searches for how to move to australia
Source: Google Trends
In Marketing We Trust have offices in Manly, one of Sydney’s iconic surf beaches and we’re urging fleeing U.S. citizens to apply for a position with us. But if working from Australia doesn’t take your fancy, we also employ people from all over the world.
IMWT team across the world
We are an equal opportunity workplace and career progression is decided by your ability to deliver, not by your ability to play politics.

We are one world and one people” – Bernie Sanders

We employ:

  • Nasty Women
  • Mexicans
  • The disabled
  • Vegans
  • And every other minority group
  • Including Americans

We spend a great deal of time training and coaching our team. In your tenure, we give you the opportunity to become a better person, not just a good pro. We also encourage our staff to take some time off to participate in philanthropic activities.

Please never stop believing that fighting for what’s right is worth it.” – Hillary Clinton

In Marketing We Trust are looking for individuals capable of inspiring others, whether in the team, our clients or the broader community.
Check out In Marketing We Trust’s job openings.

Now is not the time for thinking small.” – Bernie Sanders

For Visa options for U.S. citizens wanting to move to Australia see the Department of Immigration and Border Protection.

Kirsten Tanner

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