Social Media Marketing for Travel: Engaging Audiences and Inspiring Journeys

by | Sep 26, 2024

Social Media Marketing for Travel: Engaging Audiences and Inspiring Journeys
11 min read

Social media marketing has become an indispensable tool for businesses, especially in the travel industry, where inspiring wanderlust and sparking a sense of adventure can drive consumer action. In this post, we’ll explore social media marketing for travel, diving into how it works, its benefits, and the brands that do it well. We’ll also provide actionable strategies you can adopt to build a strong online presence for your travel brand.

Topics Covered:

  • The importance of social media marketing for travel brands
  • Key strategies to engage your audience
  • Successful travel brands’ best practices
  • Examples of highly engaging social media posts from travel brands

Gen Z and Millennials: Discovering and Booking Travel on Social Media

For Gen Z and Millennials, social media plays a crucial role not only in discovering new travel destinations but also in booking trips. According to Skift’s State of Travel 2024 report, over 50% of travellers feel comfortable booking travel directly on social media platforms. These platforms provide visually immersive content, making it easier for users to explore destinations, hotels, and activities.

A dominant 57% of individuals rely on social media channels for travel planning, emphasising the significant influence of digital platforms. Traditional sources like print and referrals hold comparatively lower percentages, indicating a shift towards online and visual mediums in shaping travel discoveries. Get more stats like these by signing up for our weekly Travel Digital Digest.

Both demographics also favour convenience, with many using mobile apps and social media platforms directly, to book their accommodations and activities. As a result, it’s essential for travel brands to focus on social media marketing for travel, using visually appealing, authentic, and mobile-friendly content to capture the attention of these tech-savvy consumers.

Learn more by downloading your free copy of our research on the Future of Search in Travel whitepaper. The white paper includes information on how Gen Z and Millennials are booking and discovering travel through social media.

Download the future of search in travel whitepaper

Why Social Media Marketing Matters in Travel

Social media marketing for travel isn’t just about selling vacation packages. It’s about creating an emotional connection with your audience, inspiring them with stories, breathtaking visuals, and insider tips that make them yearn for adventure. Here’s why it’s essential:

  • Reach a Broader Audience: Platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok give you access to millions of potential customers, making it easier to target specific demographics, like Gen Z for example.
  • Visual Storytelling: The travel industry is perfect for showcasing beautiful destinations and experiences through photos, videos, and stories.
  • User-Generated Content: Many travel brands encourage their followers to share their own travel experiences, creating a sense of community and authenticity.
  • Engagement and Conversations: Travel posts can easily spark conversation—whether it’s advice on where to go or recommendations for local restaurants and activities.

By strategically leveraging social media, you can build excitement around destinations and experiences, foster customer loyalty, and increase bookings.

Key Strategies for Social Media Marketing in Travel

To get the most out of social media marketing for travel, focus on strategies that highlight the experience and connect with your audience on an emotional level. Here are some of the most effective strategies:

1. Visual Content is King

Travel is all about experiences, and visual content is the best way to bring them to life. Whether it’s through images, videos, or Instagram stories, beautiful visuals grab attention. According to Skift Research Exploring Gen Z and Millennial Travel Habits, visual inspiration is number one for driving travel decisions.

Visuals drive Gen Z travel choices

Tip: Use drone footage, panoramic views, and time-lapse videos to create visually engaging content. Highlight unique perspectives of destinations that make your audience stop scrolling.

2. Collaborate with Influencers

Influencer partnerships can significantly boost your reach. Influencers are trusted sources within their community, and their recommendations can carry substantial weight.

Tip: Partner with travel influencers who align with your brand’s values and message. Make sure they have an engaged following that matches your target demographic.

3. Leverage User-Generated Content (UGC)

Encourage your customers to share their travel experiences and tag your brand. UGC builds trust and allows potential customers to see real people enjoying your offerings.

Tip: Create a branded hashtag and share your customers’ content on your official page. Reward them with recognition or even exclusive offers.

4. Embrace Real-Time Marketing

The travel industry thrives on trends, seasons, and current events. Posting in real-time allows you to tap into what’s happening globally—whether it’s a new travel trend, cultural event, or seasonality.

Tip: Use Instagram Stories and live-streaming to show real-time travel experiences, like a beach sunset or an exciting city festival. This helps create a sense of urgency and excitement.

5. Engage with Your Audience

Social media marketing for travel isn’t just about posting—it’s about building conversations. Reply to comments, answer questions, and engage in discussions with your audience. The post-and-run no longer works.

Tip: Run interactive Q&A sessions or polls, asking your followers about their dream destinations or travel experiences.

Big Travel Brands That Nail Social Media Marketing

Some travel brands have mastered the art of social media marketing. Let’s take a look at the ones that consistently engage their audience, foster wanderlust, and grow their customer base through innovative campaigns.

1. Airbnb

Airbnb uses social media marketing for travel by highlighting authentic, user-generated content. They share real experiences from hosts and travellers, showing off unique stays and local adventures around the world.

Example Post: Check out this recent example where Airbnb teamed up with Mattel to feature a Polly Pocket house you can actually sleep in. With over 27,000 likes on Instagram, this is one of their most successful posts to date. Of course, you don’t need big brand partnerships to do well though. Check out Airbnbs other content for inspiration too.


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A post shared by Airbnb (@airbnb)

2. National Geographic Travel

National Geographic is a powerhouse when it comes to storytelling through visuals. Their posts capture the beauty and culture of destinations in ways that make viewers dream of visiting. They often combine powerful images with captivating narratives, engaging people on an emotional level.

Example Post: Nat Geo’s use of professional photography paired with a thought-provoking caption instantly draws users in. This photograph of elephants in Kenya is a great example where they highlight the photographer and location.


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A post shared by National Geographic (@natgeo)

3. Expedia

Expedia takes a fun and engaging approach to social media marketing for travel. They create exciting destination guides and travel tips, while frequently interacting with their audience through giveaways and campaigns that encourage UGC.

Example Post: Check out this TikTok travel guide by Expedia on the Napa Valley with over 5M views.

@expedia a day trip to wine country? count us in. 🍷 #napa #napavalley #winetour #winecountry #napaitinerary #californiaadventure #tiktoktravel #traveltiktok #travelideas #bayarea #expedia ♬ Hey It’s Me – Official Sound Studio

4. VisitScotland

VisitScotland’s social media channels immerse viewers in Scotland’s natural beauty and cultural heritage. They often use videos that explore hidden gems of the country and showcase authentic Scottish experiences.

Example Post: Watch VisitScotland’s YouTube video on A Guide To Driving in Scotland. The post has over 500k views and over 300 comments.

Wrapping It Up: Your Brand’s Social Media Journey

Social media marketing for travel is all about creating and sharing experiences that resonate with your audience. It’s about showing the beauty, excitement, and uniqueness of destinations in ways that make people want to pack their bags immediately.

To recap, focus on:

  • Stunning visual content
  • Collaborations with the right influencers
  • Real-time engagement with trending events
  • User-generated content to build authenticity and trust

The world of social media marketing is dynamic and constantly evolving. But one thing remains the same—people love to travel, and they love to dream about their next adventure. By leveraging social media marketing for travel, your brand can be the one to take them there.

What’s next?

Download our free guide on the Future of Search in Travel to learn about the importance of social media marketing for travel brands.

Download the future of search in travel whitepaper

Kirsten Tanner

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