About the client
Globus family of brands is a group of escorted tour, river cruise and independent travel package companies marketed worldwide. They include the brands Globus, Cosmos, Avalon Waterways and Monograms.
Globus family of brands migrated early to Google Analytics 4 and were happy with the new solution, however, wanted to save historical data from Universal Analytics and compare current performance with pre-covid data.
Designing the correct analytics solution across 52 websites
Globus family of brands is a renowned travel conglomerate that offers holiday experiences tailored to diverse travellers’ needs. They provide escorted tours, independent packages, and river cruises.
With multiple brands (three brands operating across APAC, Europe and America), Globus has a total of 52 sites across the world. Given they had an already extensive and established Universal Analytics setup prior to Google Analytics 4, our client wanted a more seamless transition once UA was no longer available.
Saving historical data for accurate comparison
One of the most important factors to the Globus family of brands marketing team was the ability to save historical data from UA and easily compare to current performance in order to make accurate marketing decisions.
Globus required a solution that could seamlessly integrate historical data and visually compare to current data so they could establish pre- and post-covid performance.
Finding the right solution for an extensive analytics setup
With 52 websites and analytics properties to set up for Globus family of brands, plus requirements to save historical data and visibility and ease being key for making the marketing team happy, finding the right solution for this extensive analytics setup was imperative.
Minimal client involvement means the marketing team can do what they do best = marketing
Our analytics team came up with multiple solutions to present to Globus prior to the sunsetting of Universal Analytics. In the end, we all agreed on moving to Matomo given the ability to consolidate past and current data, as well as ease of use for the marketing team as the solution is similar to UA.
While we presented multiple analytics options to our client, Matomo required less involvement from the client-side, meaning they were able to get on with marketing, while we implemented the new setup.
The Setup
To implement Matomo for Globus family of brands we used 5 main tools:
- Matomo
- Google Analytics
- Google Cloud Platform
- Google Tag Manager
- Azure
Google Analytics was used as the primary source of data to report on marketing initiatives’ performance. Matomo was used to achieve our two main goals: data collection and data continuity. We used the built-in Matomo dashboards available to visualise and explore data and hosted the data on the client’s servers (Azure).
9 Matomo instances on 9 Virtual machines connected to 9 MySQL servers!
For the virtual machines running in Google Cloud Platform
- Each has its own Matomo instance
- Each has an assigned static IP address
- Each has its own dedicated hostname
- Each is using a dedicated Azure MySQL flexible server and own database
You can read more about our Matomo setup for Globus here.
Globus now has a powerful alternative to Google Analytics with 100% control of their own data
Globus family of brands now has a powerful analytics setup with Matomo across 52 websites with 100% control and ownership over their current and historical data.
With the consolidation of historical data and current data, Globus can better understand the performance across their 52 websites. With the marketing team able to easily visualise past and present marketing performance they are able to make better informed business decisions across their multiple brands.
Matomo instances
Azure MySQL servers
Matomo websites
days worth of data saved